Friday, January 8, 2016

LAD #24: Cross of Gold Speech

William Jennings Bryan delivered a speech in 1896 about his opinion of silver currency being in a 16 t0 1 ratio with gold in the American economy. Implementing this policy would help farmers in debt because the inflation would increase the amount of money in circulation. Bryan believed that doing so was the humane and right thing to do for the country. He had no interest in fighting, but he did want to clear the waters. He argued that America was a country established to represent the people, and believed that he was representing the majority of the people when he supported coinage of silver. He also advocated for an income tax, saying that the country was in need of a leader to distribute the wealth to the people. He conceded by saying that many people from cities supported the gold standard, but he let them know that their wealth came from the poor, and the poor needed the coinage of silver. 

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