Saturday, March 5, 2016

LAD #32: The Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact

The pact was the ineffective result of numerous nations being sick and tired of war. Following World War 1, the leaders of many countries were interested in working together to make indefinite peace possible. The US, Great Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Italy, Japan, Poland, and Czechoslovakia were all some of the members to agree to the treaty. These nations agreed to take passive action to resolve problems, claiming that war was a barbaric practice that should not be considered as a strategy of diplomacy. The first Article of the Pact outlawed war to solve any international problems, and the second Article required that all conflicts should be resolved through pacific diplomatic solutions. The third Article stated that the treaty was open to other countries that didn't join originally, in case they decide that they don't want to include war in their foreign policy any longer. Article three also gave the US the responsibility of providing all the agreeing nations with a written copy of the Treaty after it was ratified. 

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