Wednesday, September 23, 2015

LAD #7: Washington's Farewell Address

George Washington addressed the country prior to stepping down from being the US's president for two terms. He used the opportunity to benefit the country by giving his advice about how America should be run. He emphasized the Proclamation of Neutrality, stating that remaining uninvolved and not making any permanent alliances would be the the most successful in the long run. He believed that pursuing only personal interests and keeping relationships between countries economic rather than political was the way to go. He also mentioned the party system, claiming that if the country became divided due to differing political ideas, the US would fall apart. Washington stressed the importance of the national government and praised its stability, while also advising the country against building up its army too much. His speech inspired the country, and set the precedent for many presidents to follow him. 

LAD #6: Washington's Proclamation of Neutrality

The main purpose of George Washington's Proclamation of Neutrality was to keep America out of the war and focused on their own development. The proclamation was written by Washington during the War of the First Coalition, which involved many of the European countries, while the US chose to remain neutral and uninvolved in the issue. Americans were told not to form any alliances, take up arms, promise protection or be associated with the war in any way, and breaking these rules would lead to punishment for violating the law.

LAD #5: Federalist #10

1. Why are factions so difficult to eliminate?
Factions are difficult ot eliminate because in order to do so, it would be considered taking away people's freedom. Factions are a way for people to express their thoughts and opinions, and taking that right from them will only anger them. Factions can't be removed and that may cause difficulties because it is possible for them to lead to outbursts, like violence, protests and rebellions. 

2. If factions cannot be removed how can they be controlled? 
The best way to control a faction is to take action while it is still a minor faction, because it doesn't have full power so it can be voted against by the majority factions. If a minority faction is still able to grow into a majority faction, it is much more difficult to control, and stopping the faction from growing would take real effort. 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Republican Motherhood

1.  What role did the Revolutionary War play in the transformation of housewifery to Republican Motherhood? 
E Following the Revolutionary War, a woman's job still was to run the household. But along with these duties also came the responsibility of instilling patriotism, independence, and republicanism into their sons' (Doc A). 
      2. What were the consequences of Republican Motherhood on women? 
    The pressure upon women increased after the Republican Motherhood, and it was said that if a woman didn't do her duties, than she "is deserting the station which God and nature have assigned to her" (Doc A). Women were also required to have a certain level education, and they must have legible writing, and have knowledge in geography, bookkeeping, and history (Doc B). 
     3. What is the significance of the ideology of Republican Motherhood as a stage in the process of women's socialization?
     The ideology of Republican Motherhood gave the women a distinct, authoritative role in both home and society. It changed how women thought about themselves, instead making them believe they could make a difference. They also began to feel more pride and self-assertion (Doc C). 

11. Describe the setting. 
  A women who is presumably wealthy is sitting on a couch in someone's home with her two sons on her lap, who are both wearing clothing that appears somewhat feminine. 

  2. Who serves at the center or the portrait and why? How does the woman look? How is she "republican" rather than aristocratic?
  The mother, Mary, is the center of the portrait because she is shown with her two sons, whom she is shaping into young men, therefore playing a bigger role in society as a Republican. The women has her hair styled, and is wearing a simple yet nice dress that hints at wealth. 

  3. What values do her sons exhibit?
  Her sons both look calm and respectful, and as though they both love their mother, which indicates that she raised her children right. 

4 4. Is there a significance to the position of Mrs. Tilghman's arm?
   The position of the arm is reflective of how much power she yields. She is holding her one son back, meaning she still has full control over him, whereas the other boy is leaning against her arm rather than being held by it, meaning that he is gaining independence, yet not ready to be completely on his own yet. 



Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Rethinking the Revolution

1. In comparison to the Civil War, the American Revolution is thought of as a less extensive, less difficult war than the Civil War, due to the fact that the Revolution had six times as few casualties as the war. However, the Revolution was no less brutal, and soldiers faced incredibly difficult situations, like stealing clothes off their enemies, boiling their shoes for dinner, and marching in formation to battle, which put them at a higher risk of dying.

2. The Civil War was the first war that people had access to cameras and film to be able to photograph the events of the war, which gave historians much greater insight into the Civil War compared to previous wars. This lead to the Civil War becoming known as the first modern war to some historians.

3. The two armies fought at a distance of nearly 100 feet, which is rather close, considering how easy it could be to kill someone within a 100 foot range, yet the guns they used had poor accuracy, making shooting their targets more difficult.

4. The Revolutionary War was America's longest declared war, lasting somewhere around eight years, and the deaths on both sides were horrifying.

5. Prior to 1820, July 4th was a day spent remembering fallen soldiers and considering the sacrifices made and suffering endured. Following 1820, people began to have a more celebratory outlook on the fourth of July and instead spent the day to appreciate the resistance of the colonies against the British Parliament, which eventually gained them their freedom.

Monday, September 14, 2015

LAD #3: Declaration of Independence

1. The Declaration of Independence starts off with explaining the democratic principles that all US citizens are entitled to under the declaration. Unalienable rights, meaning life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, was one major democratic principle that was established for all men. Another principle was that the government is responsible for protecting the people and their rights, and if they fail to do so, the people have the right to overthrow the government and find new people who will be able to do so.

2. Once the principles were established in the Declaration of Independence, the writers began to list their complaints against Britain and its king. The king of Britain cut off the colonies' trade with any other countries save for Britain, dissolved the House of Representatives, imposed taxes on the colonies, and denied trial by jury. The British repeatedly infringed on the rights of the people, and they declared King George III unfit to rule.

3. The people of the United States of America came together to declare their freedom, cutting off all obedience and political ties from Britain. The colonies were free and independent states with zero connection to Britain, with the ability to declare wars, form allies, make peace, and take whatever actions they deemed appropriate. The Declaration of Independence announced the colonies' independence and established the United States of America as its own entity.

Monday, September 7, 2015

LAD #2: Zenger Trial

1. Who was John Peter Zenger? 

John Peter Zenger was a German immigrant who settled in the British colonies, and became publisher of the New York Weekly Journal. The publication was infamous for brazenly implicating William S. Cosby, the governor's, involvement in illegal activities. Zenger was arrested for libel and put into jail, but with the help of Andrew Hamilton, he was found "not guilty" and began the evolution of freedom of press. 

2. What was the controversy over his charges? 

The controversy stemmed from the fact that Zenger was charged for libel, which means to print something that is untrue. Andrew Hamilton, a prestigious lawyer from Philidelphia, argued that if what Zenger printed is true, then there is no basis for him to be arrested for libel. The jury convened and were able to clear Zenger's name in less than ten minutes.

3. What influence did his case have on American governmental tradition?
Zenger's trial proceeded to publishers becoming more comfortable with printing articles that were critical of the government, without fear of being charged as libelous just by sharing their honest opinions. The freedom that was introduced by the Zenger trial developed into the First Amendment. 

   4. What is the lasting significance of his trial? Explain.

The lasting significance of Zenger's trial is the realization that people had a right to the freedom of press, and publishers were allowed to published whatever they wanted as long as it was true. This in fact, was part of what caused the citizens to push for freedom from Britain and start the American revolution.

LAD #1: Mayflower Compact & Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

1. What concepts are included in the Mayflower Compact?

The Mayflower Compact is an agreement written by the group of settlers who intended to establish the first colony, in the northern Virginia area. These men claimed to make this voyage in hopes of promoting their Christian religion, and honoring God, their king, King James, and their countries. To maintain a sense of order, they planned to form a civil body and promised to abide by the laws as well as have meetings to further ameliorate their colony.

2. How does the Mayflower Compact reflect an attachment to both the "Old" and "New" worlds?

The Mayflower Compact reflects an attachment to the "Old" world through the numerous references to King James and their loyalty to their home country. The men also refer to themselves as "loyal subjects" which indicates that although they plan to leave, they still feel a devotion to the country from which they originate. On the other hand, the document mentions striving for political strength and unity in the "New" world, evidence of the men's desire for success in their future. 

3.   How did the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut differ from the Mayflower Compact?

Whereas the Mayflower Compact was written very generally and established a loose form of government, the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut was a much structured document that aimed to eliminate all potential problems that could arise. 

4. What prompted the colonists of Connecticut to take this approach to government, i.e.: use of a written Constitution?

The colonists were in need of a sense of authority to be able to make decisions fairly and unify the people of Connecticut. They wanted to mold a structured government to prevent major issues and run the colony smoothly. 

5. In what significant way(s) does the Fundamental Orders reflect a fear of and safeguard against the usurping of power by one person or a chosen few?

The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut reflected a fear of one person possessing too much power, and documented preventive measures by using democratic means to elect a governor. They placed importance on varying members of government regularly and disallowing any one person to become overtly comfortable in their position of power.