Monday, September 7, 2015

LAD #1: Mayflower Compact & Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

1. What concepts are included in the Mayflower Compact?

The Mayflower Compact is an agreement written by the group of settlers who intended to establish the first colony, in the northern Virginia area. These men claimed to make this voyage in hopes of promoting their Christian religion, and honoring God, their king, King James, and their countries. To maintain a sense of order, they planned to form a civil body and promised to abide by the laws as well as have meetings to further ameliorate their colony.

2. How does the Mayflower Compact reflect an attachment to both the "Old" and "New" worlds?

The Mayflower Compact reflects an attachment to the "Old" world through the numerous references to King James and their loyalty to their home country. The men also refer to themselves as "loyal subjects" which indicates that although they plan to leave, they still feel a devotion to the country from which they originate. On the other hand, the document mentions striving for political strength and unity in the "New" world, evidence of the men's desire for success in their future. 

3.   How did the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut differ from the Mayflower Compact?

Whereas the Mayflower Compact was written very generally and established a loose form of government, the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut was a much structured document that aimed to eliminate all potential problems that could arise. 

4. What prompted the colonists of Connecticut to take this approach to government, i.e.: use of a written Constitution?

The colonists were in need of a sense of authority to be able to make decisions fairly and unify the people of Connecticut. They wanted to mold a structured government to prevent major issues and run the colony smoothly. 

5. In what significant way(s) does the Fundamental Orders reflect a fear of and safeguard against the usurping of power by one person or a chosen few?

The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut reflected a fear of one person possessing too much power, and documented preventive measures by using democratic means to elect a governor. They placed importance on varying members of government regularly and disallowing any one person to become overtly comfortable in their position of power. 

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