Monday, September 21, 2015

Republican Motherhood

1.  What role did the Revolutionary War play in the transformation of housewifery to Republican Motherhood? 
E Following the Revolutionary War, a woman's job still was to run the household. But along with these duties also came the responsibility of instilling patriotism, independence, and republicanism into their sons' (Doc A). 
      2. What were the consequences of Republican Motherhood on women? 
    The pressure upon women increased after the Republican Motherhood, and it was said that if a woman didn't do her duties, than she "is deserting the station which God and nature have assigned to her" (Doc A). Women were also required to have a certain level education, and they must have legible writing, and have knowledge in geography, bookkeeping, and history (Doc B). 
     3. What is the significance of the ideology of Republican Motherhood as a stage in the process of women's socialization?
     The ideology of Republican Motherhood gave the women a distinct, authoritative role in both home and society. It changed how women thought about themselves, instead making them believe they could make a difference. They also began to feel more pride and self-assertion (Doc C). 

11. Describe the setting. 
  A women who is presumably wealthy is sitting on a couch in someone's home with her two sons on her lap, who are both wearing clothing that appears somewhat feminine. 

  2. Who serves at the center or the portrait and why? How does the woman look? How is she "republican" rather than aristocratic?
  The mother, Mary, is the center of the portrait because she is shown with her two sons, whom she is shaping into young men, therefore playing a bigger role in society as a Republican. The women has her hair styled, and is wearing a simple yet nice dress that hints at wealth. 

  3. What values do her sons exhibit?
  Her sons both look calm and respectful, and as though they both love their mother, which indicates that she raised her children right. 

4 4. Is there a significance to the position of Mrs. Tilghman's arm?
   The position of the arm is reflective of how much power she yields. She is holding her one son back, meaning she still has full control over him, whereas the other boy is leaning against her arm rather than being held by it, meaning that he is gaining independence, yet not ready to be completely on his own yet. 



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